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Contemporary Justice



从事高尚的职业. The Tiffin University 刑事司法学士 in Contemporary Justice degree builds a broad-based foundation of knowledge related to contemporary issues facing criminal justice practitioners today. Learning about U.S. law, community peacekeeping, homeland security, administration, 刑事调查, 伦理和社会问题 will prepare you for this challenging yet critical role of keeping citizens safe.

Jobs in criminal justice are demanding, rewarding and vital to safe, well-functioning communities. 作为当代司法学位课程的毕业生, 你会有一个坚实的基础去追求一个刑事调查员的职位, detective, fraud investigator, intelligence analyst, 警官和检察官办公室调查员.

It takes a special person to work in law enforcement and confront the difficult issues facing our society today. Graduates of the Tiffin University criminal justice in contemporary justice degree program will be able to:

  • Describe the evolving role of criminal justice systems and their relationship to critical societal issues.
  • Employ a variety of means and media to communicate with both public and private stakeholders appropriately and effectively
  • Evaluate and apply appropriate management and leadership philosophies and approaches to practice in various criminal justice contexts.
  • Tiffin University partners with Terra Community College for the 俄亥俄州警官培训学院(OPOTA), allowing you to graduate with their degree in law enforcement and their OPOTA Certification – all in 4 years.
  • The program’s unique modular format divides the major courses into areas of community peacekeeping, homeland security, administration, 伦理和社会问题, 调查与法律.
  • 小班授课——总是少于40人, 通常每班接近15名学生,使个性化的关注成为可能.
  • The program is designed specifically for ease of transferability for the working criminal justice professional.
  • 实习是课程的必修部分, 通常会让你在这个领域找到第一份工作.
  • 博彩平台推荐与华盛顿中心实习项目合作, 这为你提供了在华盛顿特区联邦机构实习的独特机会.C.

Faculty who teach in the contemporary justice program bring in-depth knowledge and years of experience from the criminal justice field. 作为一个在线项目, 许多课程由具有丰富实践经验的兼职教授讲授. 所有这些真实世界的经历都为课堂教学增加了极大的兴趣和深度, as real-life examples of current professional practice are regularly applied to academic content.

作为专业当代司法项目的一部分, you’ll gain theoretical underpinnings of the field that will provide a strong foundation for your career. 你将参加必要的专业实习, 哪些将提供有价值的见解和经验. And, you’ll have the ability to graduate with your four-year degree in addition to the Police Academy, all in four years. 在该领域工作的专业人士可以以极高的效率完成他们的学位.


As a graduate of the program, you’ll acquire in-depth knowledge and career-ready skills, including:

  • Crime scene processing/investigation – fingerprint lifting, impressions/casting, sketching and more
  • Evidence processing
  • 犯罪现场摄影
  • Testifying in court
  • 面谈和审讯
  • Search warrant
  • Report writing

刑事司法专业人员, 特别是执法人员, 在他们的岗位上承担很多责任. 从字面上看,生活取决于他们的教育和培训. It is important that our students go into the field fully prepared with the skills they need to serve the communities that have entrusted them in these positions.

Our professional, 动手程序使您能够以最好的方式学习这些技能-通过做. We’ve had opportunities for students to work with police departments to help solve cold cases. 我们的学生调查模拟犯罪现场. 他们参加专业实习-与美国.S. Marshals; dozens of police departments such as Toledo PD, Columbus PD, Washington, DC PD and Detroit PD; and many smaller police departments both inside and outside of Ohio. 通过我们与华盛顿中心实习项目的合作, 你将有独特的机会在华盛顿特区的联邦机构实习.C.比如联邦调查局、国土安全部等. And, 在你的研究设计课程, you’ll conduct original research on a criminal justice-related topic important to you – and you’ll have the opportunity to present your research at Tiffin University’s Annual Research Conference.


在俄亥俄州宣誓成为一名警察, 你必须成功完成俄亥俄州警官培训学院(OPOTA). Tiffin University partners with Terra State Community College to include the cost of the academy in tuition and can be earned in just one semester.

这所独特的培训学院是国家对所有警察的强制性培训,涵盖枪支, legal administration, human relations, traffic, patrol, driving, subject control, investigations, civil disorder, 体能调理等方面的执法. Students apply direct, hands-on practice in the crime lab, firing range and police cruisers. With experienced, 认证讲师和动手应用, 我们的学生在国家认证的考试中始终达到通过率. 一旦该计划的毕业生获得认证, 他们立即有资格获得全职工作.



  • COM 130语音通讯导论
  • CST 111数字素养和技术准备
  • 修辞学和研究性写作导论
  • 修辞学和学术写作
  • MAT 181大学代数/MAT 185定量推理/MAT 275微积分预科
  • 应用统计学1
  • NAT 130健康生活基础
  • Pick one: ART 210 Art Appreciation/CUL 210 Comparative Cultures/ENG 201 Introduction to Literature/HIS 201 Introduction to Historical Events /PHI 110 The Art of Reasoning


  • DEC 100(或公开选修课)
  • DEC 200(如果转学超过28小时或公开选修课,则为DEC 250)
  • DEC 300(如转乘超过48小时,则为320)
  • DEC 400
  • DEC 400L


  • JUS 110刑事司法概论
  • JUS 201 Criminal Law
  • jus202刑事诉讼程序
  • JUS 361刑事司法中的伦理问题
  • SCS 300研究设计
  • scs470实习1(可由SCS480代替), 专注于解决专业问题, 具有实质性刑事司法专业经验并事先获得院长批准.)


  • enf150警察与社会
  • ENG 301专业传播
  • 310威胁评估
  • enf239应用刑事调查和刑事学
  • ENF 293 Criminology
  • 选一个:ENF 450犯罪分析/ENF 432死亡投资./ENF 355性犯罪法医调查
  • COR 420机构管理
  • enf335执法监督
  • cd334技术与犯罪
  • Any Philosophy class
  • SOC 265桃与社会正义
  • 选一个:PSY 362变态心理学/SOC 360社会多元文化问题


这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. 有关详细的注册和咨询信息,请咨询官方学术公报.


enf150警察与社会 – A study of the various response methodologies available to the patrol officer in assisting the citizen’s request for police service. Discusses traffic enforcement from the stop of the violator through traffic accident investigation.

310威胁评估 – An overview of threat assessment and threat management (TA/TM) in various organizations such as social service agencies, schools, 就业和执法场所. 威胁评估/威胁管理的历史, events, legal responses, theories, 包括研究和模型. 探讨了上述组织的政策以及各种补救模式. 介绍了识别、评估、管理[联邦]模式.

enf239应用刑事调查和刑事学 -重点调查具体罪行,包括, but not limited to, homicide, sexual assault, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, theft, auto theft and arson. 学生们将被要求调查一个“模拟”犯罪现场, 收集和分析获得的证据,并在“模拟”法庭上陈述他们的调查.

ENF 293 Criminology -本课程提供犯罪学的入门课程. 犯罪学是研究犯罪行为和犯罪本身的学科, and as such, 是刑事司法的基础课程之一吗. 它探讨了犯罪学思想的不同流派, the different eras of criminology research and the theories proposed for crime and criminal motivation. Additionally, there is an emphasis on the development of the history of criminology as the basis for our justice system today.


Online – Offered in two terms per semester starting in January, March, May, July, August and October

刑事司法领域提供了一个具有挑战性但回报丰厚的职业. 该领域在全国范围内提供了大量的工作机会, as well as career mobility – police officers have the opportunity to work in a variety of areas within the field, including patrol, narcotics, detective’s bureau, administration, 学校资源官等等.

  • Corporate Security
  • Corrections
  • 县警长办公室
  • 刑事情报分析员
  • Criminal Investigator
  • Detective
  • Fraud Investigator
  • Highway Patrol
  • Intelligence Analyst
  • Police Officer
  • 检控署调查员
  • Secret Service
  • Bowling Green PD
  • 中密歇根大学
  • Columbus PD
  • Correctional Officer
  • 县治安官办公室
  • Dublin PD
  • 联邦警察局
  • Hamilton PD
  • Maryville PD
  • 华盛顿大都会警察局.C.
  • Middleburg Heights PD
  • 俄亥俄州刑事调查局
  • Private Security
  • Secret Service
  • 州警察局
  • Tiffin PD
  • U.S. Capitol Police
  • Westerville PD

Both the Tiffin Chief of Police and Seneca County Sheriff are Tiffin University Criminal Justice alums.


Many law enforcement students that enter the field do not return to graduate school because a bachelor’s degree is more than sufficient to reach the top ranks of a majority of law enforcement agencies in the country.

然而,如果读研成为你职业规划的一部分,博彩平台推荐有一个很大的选择 在线研究生课程在刑事司法与各种浓度. Our students in these graduate programs often have decades of experience in the field and come to us to get their master’s degrees to attain top administrative positions, 比如警察局长.

Program Requirements


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博彩平台推荐给了我最好的朋友,并激发了我最大的潜力. The OPOTA program put me ahead in the hiring process and my bachelor’s degree set me apart from other candidates.”
